Sunday, January 1, 2012


     Have you been noticing hot-spots on AJ? The newest one is the rocky bridge in Coral Canyons. if there are enough animals jumping on this bridge, it starts to crack and chunks of rock start to fall. You might even see the occasional burst of eagles. Now I don't know who, but I've seen a Jammer spreading the rumor that you need 30 of each land animal to completely break through. Well,I'm here to say that if this is true, we'll never break through. You just can't fit that many animals in one room,
     Now for a couple new phenomenons, ones that weren't even programmed: Adopting and Marriage. People are creating new "families" every day. The popular place for adopting has become the pillow room in the Township. And it isn't just parent/kid adopting; now kids can adopt new brothers and sisters to!
     Like I said, as strange as it is, there are also marriages popping up all over Jamaa. I "married" the "brother" of my REAL sister, so I guess now we are both sisters and sisters-in-law. One problem Jammers ran into is that you can't type the word "marry" in the speech bubble box on Animal Jam. So, for a while, everyone typed "will you be my husband?" or, "will you be my wife". Now, people have found a loophole;sort of. Now, this is a common speech bubble sight: "will you merry me?"

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